

MLS, University of Arizona
MA, University of New Hampshire
BA, University of California


米歇尔·汉森 received her Bachelor of Arts in French and English from the University of California, 圣芭芭拉分校, graduating with high honors. She completed coursework at l'Université de Toulouse-le Mirail, 法国, and went on to earn her Master of Library Science from the University of Arizona and her Master of Arts in English-Fiction Writing from the University of New Hampshire, 达勒姆.

Hanson teaches English Composition and First-Year French. In her English classes she encourages critical thinking by providing a variety of topical readings and fostering discussions. Students have the opportunity to explore their experiences and ideas through informal writing and discussions, and to understand writing as a process of drafting and revising with attention to purpose and audience. Her French classes offer a balance of speaking, reading, and writing practice. The pleasures and benefits of learning a second language are enhanced with videos and basic readings that provide a cultural context.

米歇尔·汉森's curriculum vitae

Selected Publications

汉森米歇尔. "About My Planets, Which Are Presently Out of Whack." Copper Nickel 5 (2006): 49-60.

"Bambini: Reflections in Venice." A Mother's World: Journeys of the Heart. MaryBeth Bond and Pamela Michael, eds. San Francisco: Travelers' Tales, 1998. Reprinted in Catholic Digest, September 1998.

“嬉皮士.“中子和质子. 7月19日. 网络.

"Joining the Conversation: Collaborative Learning and Bibliographic Instruction." The Reference Librarian 51/52 (1995): 147-60.

"The Library as Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Studies." Teaching English in a Two-Year College 21 (1993).

"Trash Triptych + One.“博士。. TJ Eckleburg Review, 16 Sept. 2014. 网络.


诗人 & Writers of Colorado Mesa University
Planet Earth Gallery, Grand Junction, CO
"About the Dog," fiction. 2014年3月
“嬉皮士," personal essay. 2013年3月
"I Want That Dog," personal essay. 2012年11月
"A Hotdog in Paris," fiction. 2011年11月


空行母休息室. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, 2013. 小说