

The Holocaust Awareness Series is an interdisciplinary forum of events and seminars that focuses on the origins, 经历, and implications of genocide in the modern era. It considers not only the groups systematically targeted by the Nazi regime, but also at those victims of government-sponsored atrocities in Armenia, 柬埔寨, 卢旺达, 伊拉克, 以及巴尔干地区, as well as the genocides in southern Sudan, 缅甸, 和中国. Our goal is to unite local Grand Junction residents with the Colorado Mesa University academic community, 强调教育, 尊重, 和多样性.

All events are free and open to the public. RSVP is required for Bret Stephens event.

Gendercide: A Comparative, 历史, and Global Discussion
The Rohingya: 缅甸’s Persecuted Minority