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贷款是必须偿还的钱,即使你没有完成你的学习计划.  By completing the FAFSA,学生自动申请联邦贷款. 有两个联邦政府资助的联邦直接贷款项目.  学生每年能够借款的金额取决于他们独立或依赖的身份以及他们在学校累积的学时数. 

提示:  申请经济援助的关键是时机和经济需求.  在你即将参加的秋季学期之前尽早完成FAFSA是至关重要的.  请记住,它确实需要几个星期来处理你的经济援助申请.



Unsubsidized Loan

联邦直接无补贴贷款计划不是基于需求的, 但是,如果借款人继续参加至少一半的课程,他或她将获得利息.  利息将随着初次付款而开始增加.  你可以 pay the interest while you are in school, during grace periods and deferment/forbearance periods, or you can allow it to accrue. 

Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan Interest Rate

The Federal Direct loan interest rates change annually.  The current rate can be found at (be sure to scroll down the page to view the rates).

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

家长PLUS贷款是由联邦教育部提供的贷款, 父母可以拿去帮助家庭支付教育费用. 家长PLUS贷款有学生和家长必须满足的特定条件, 以及家长获得贷款必须遵循的具体步骤.

  • 学生必须注册至少6个学分才有资格获得贷款.
  • PLUS贷款允许家长借到的钱最多相当于上学的总费用, minus any other aid received.
  • The PLUS loan is credit based.
  • 继父母只有在FAFSA上提供了他们的信息才有资格申请PLUS贷款.
  • 贷款发放费用将从贷款支出中扣除.
  • 除非要求延期还款,否则父借款人在最终付款后60天内开始偿还PLUS贷款.

For more information please refer to our Parent Information Page.


FSA ID可以让你访问联邦学生援助的在线系统,如FAFSA和贷款信息.  This can also serve as your legal signature.  The FSA ID replaces the PIN that was used in the past.  你可以 apply for an FSA ID online. 一旦建立起来,你就不需要每年申请一次了.  保存您的用户名和密码是非常重要的,因为您将在未来几年需要这些.

Loan Agreement (Master Promissory Note)

主本票(MPN)是一种法律文件,你承诺偿还贷款和任何应计利息和费用给美国.S. Department of Education.  It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s); for instance, it will include information on how interest is calculated, when interest is charged, available repayment plans, and deferment and cancellation provisions.

重要的是要明白,当你签署MPN时,你承诺偿还根据MPN提供的所有贷款.  As stated on the MPN, 即使你没有完成学业或离开学校后找不到工作,你也必须偿还贷款.

之前, 或者在…的时候, 你的贷款的第一次支付(支付给你或代表你), 你会收到一份披露声明,上面有学校计划在你的MPN下发放的任何贷款的信息, including the loan amount, 费用, and the expected disbursement dates and amounts.

请注意, 我们不会将这些信息加载到我们的系统中,直到学年开始前的7月底.  If you have completed a Loan Agreement, 但在8月1日之后,在学生的MAVzone中仍然可以看到红旗, please contact our office.


每个接受有补贴或无补贴贷款的学生都必须完成贷款咨询.  This can be accomplished at Federal Student Aid 使用你的FSA ID.  这将只需要由学生完成一次.

请注意, 我们不会将这些信息加载到我们的系统中,直到学年开始前的7月底.  If you have completed a Loan Agreement, 但在8月1日之后,在学生的MAVzone中仍然可以看到红旗, please contact our office.

Federal Loan History

学生可以通过登录访问他们的联邦贷款历史 National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) using their FSA ID.

Private Alternative 贷款

Alternative (sometimes called Private) student/ parent loans are available; through private lenders for students who are not eligible for federal loans, 国际学生或需要超过年度联邦财政援助借款限额的学生. 这些贷款通过银行和私人贷款机构发放,并受其条款约束. 

 其他学生贷款应该在第一次完成后才考虑 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Colorado Application for Student Aid (CASFA).

 如果你目前没有资格获得联邦学生援助,由于没有达到令人满意的学业进步,我们 鼓励 you to first complete the 金融援助 Ineligibility Appeal. 如果你的上诉被批准,你的联邦学生资助将会恢复.

Alternative Loan FAQ