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Thinking about becoming a geoscientist

Geoscientists :

CMU Geosciences Video

Thinking about becoming a geology major? Check out our video!


pp电子极速糖果坐落在落基山脉和科罗拉多高原之间的地质天堂. Our program is very field oriented and includes field trips to places such as the rugged, glacially sculpted San Juan Mountains, the Colorado River, the world renowned Book Cliffs, Arches and Canyonlands, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, 以及令人叹为观止的科罗拉多国家纪念碑. 我们的位置也为科罗拉多梅萨学生提供了一些 best recreational opportunities in the nation.


CMU Geosciences News


Spring 2024 CMU Geosciences Program Newsletter

newsletter cover

Some Geosciences students' feedback: “周日矿山之旅是一个很好的机会,可以看到地质学是如何在劳动力中使用的, and why it is so useful in so many industries.

总的来说,我认为周日矿山之旅是一个非常酷和独特的经历. It showed me a potential field I could work in the future. 它还展示了地面上无法看到的独特地质, 以及在这一特定地区开采有价值且有利可图的铀矿石的一般流程.”

Magnetometer, what now? Geophysics in the Field

  Geophysics students


地球物理学学生用地球科学项目的磁力计收集数据. 这台仪器被用来研究磁源的存在, such as large igneous rock bodies (plutons), 地表以下,在关口的昂孔帕格里高原和悖论盆地之间, CO area. 

Women on a river trip

Adventures in Geoscience is a teaching expedition十名来自CMU校园的女学生将在科罗拉多河流域进行为期五天的河流探险. 这次旅行将在2024年夏天进行,学生零费用,并提供所有装备. 这个机会为CMU的女性提供了与校园内其他女性建立联系的机会, learn about topics in geoscience, and gain confidence in outdoor, scientific, and recreational pursuits. Rivers are a valuable resource that have power to make lasting impacts on CMU women students. Participants will share their experience with peers, community members, scientists, 和专业人士在2024年秋季学期开始的公共活动上进行交流. All donors 学生演讲和公众活动的地点和时间是否会通过电子邮件通知. 


The World Around Us

 DrFenton请看CMU地质学助理教授的播客 Cassandra Fenton, PhD. Dr. 芬顿解释了为什么地球科学不仅仅是岩石,为什么大峡谷对地质学家来说就像迪斯尼乐园.

 Check out some of our #cmugeosciences Instagram posts!

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有兴趣参加地球科学基础学习课程? We offer several courses, like:

  • Geology of Colorado (GEOL 105)
  • 物理地质学概论(GEOL 111/111L和GEOL 113/113L)
  • Oceanography (GEOL 104)
  • Weather and Climate (GEOL 103)