
pp电子极速糖果 和 居住生活 are committed to helping students reach their full potential, 无论是在课堂上还是在日常生活中. This page is devoted to providing resources to assist students in adjusting to off-campus living.

pp电子极速糖果 has partnered with 校外合作伙伴 to assist students in finding rentals in the Gr和 Junction community. Listings on this website are posted with the intent of offereing Colorado Mesa Universtiy students housing. Check out our 校外合作伙伴 website to look for available rentals 和 roommates for the upcoming semester. 


请查看我们的居留政策 确保你有资格住在校外.


It’s important to make sure you 和 your roommate are compatible on several different levels, 包括学习/睡眠模式, 清洁, 的饮食习惯, 社会习惯, 等. Do not choose your roommate lightly, because you will be stuck with them for a long time.


出租物业需要预付保证金, 用来帮助房东支付维修费用. 在你的租约结束时, provided that you upheld the conditions of the contract 和 did not damage the property, 你会收回你的保证金.


当你签订租约时,你就签订了一份法律协议. Before signing anything, make sure you have read through the entire document thoroughly. 如果有什么你不明白的地方,问问题! 个人租赁是一个空间内的一个房间的租赁, 也就是说你是唯一一个对房间内的损害负责的人. A group lease is a lease for an entire property, signed by all persons living in that space together. This lease makes the entire group responsible for the damages in the entire space.


Always make sure you look at a property at least once before agreeing to sign a lease. 尽可能多地问问题. Don’t forget that you will likely be living in this space for the entire year, 尽管现在一切似乎都很美好, 房子在一年中的其他时候可能会出现问题. It is also important to make sure it is clear who carries the responsibilities for utilities, 维修, 草坪维护, 等.


  • 每月租金是多少?

  • 我怎么付房租?

  • 水电费包括在房租里吗 ? 如果没有,我负责哪些公用事业?

  • 一般的水电费帐单是多少?

  • 这房子绝缘好吗? (通常可以根据冬季的水电费来猜测)

  • 以前的房客报告过任何问题吗?


水,下水道,垃圾 -如果你住在市区范围内, all three of these services should be provided by the City of Gr和 Junction. 通常情况下,你的房东会以你的名义连接这些公用设施.

煤气及电力 – Depending on where you live, gas 和 electricity are typically provided by XCEL Energy. 要联系,请访问他们的网站.

有线电视和互联网 -和房东确认一下是什么电视, 是否值得入住?是否值得入住. 在某些情况下, 可能已经安装了卫星天线, 你只需要通过供应商购买服务. If possible, shop around 和 see what options are a best fit for your cable 和 internet needs. 大多数供应商为新房客提供折扣.


损失清单 – 居住生活 has provided this helpful tool so you can document any damages that are present in your rental property before you move in. If major damages exist, it may be helpful to also take pictures 和 give those to your l和lord.

室友协议 – This is a detailed form to help prevent possible problems that may arise in your off-campus living situation. When you move into your property, sit down with your roommates 和 fill this form out together.

住宅公用事业申请 -这是一个在线应用程序,设置城市公用事业-水, 下水道, 给住在校外的学生扔垃圾. 如果你是租房,请填写一份公用事业服务申请, 租赁, 或拥有自己的房子,但没有现有的城市公用事业账户. 



如果你选择开车去学校,别忘了买一张通勤卡. 访问 停车服务 了解更多信息.


寻找一种既便宜又环保的方式去上课? 试着骑自行车. 看看这些关于骑自行车的有用资源: 大汇合处公路自行车道, 单车安全资讯. 没有自行车? 没有问题! 租一间 MAVbike 来自户外项目!




当你请朋友来的时候,有很多事情要考虑. 当你刚搬进来的时候, it is a good idea to sit down with your roommates 和 discuss how you all feel about having guests over 和 be sure to set clear ground rules. 考虑以下事情:朋友来访时交流, 停车, 噪音水平, 人数, 谁将是负责任的东道主.

不知道怎么做饭? 没时间做饭? 怀念食堂的便利? 看看这些 通勤膳食计划!


在理财方面有困难? 查看一些提示 or 使用这个电子表格 帮助管理你的预算.


  • 校园安全 Assistants – CMU’s 校园安全 Assistants provide safe travel around campus for students, 教职员工. 这项服务覆盖了整个主校区以及校园外两个街区. 每日下午6时至凌晨2时提供CSAs服务. 联系云网关:拨打970.260.2683.

  • MAVrides – MAVrides is a student-operated service that gives free, safe rides to CMU students. This service is available every Thursday, Friday 和 Saturday during the school year from 9pm-3am. 取货时需要一张有效的MAVcard. 拨打970.248.2222.

  • 校园警察 校园安全主任计划, 2016年秋季开始, 现包括两名在校警官的专职指导下 校园安全与学生行为主任. CMU的警官与五名来自 大枢纽警察局 (GJPD)被分配到校园,任期三年. The officers assigned to the campus have a station located on the northside of campus at 1060 Orchard Avenue. 校园安全 Assistants (CSAs) can also be found in a substation on the south side of the 大学中心.





  • 永远锁好你的门. 如果您丢失了钥匙,请尽快与物业经理联系. The cost of replacing a key is considerably less than the cost of theft 和 property damage.

  • 确保所有窗户和滑动玻璃门都已锁好.

  • 保持百叶窗和窗帘关闭, especially at night to keep would-be thieves from identifying valuable items.

  • 把贵重物品放在车里看不见的地方. 确保你的车是锁着的,并尽量停在一个光线充足的地方.

  • Report any suspicious activity or unwanted guests to the police by calling 911.


  • 立即向警方报告可疑行为或活动

  • 准备一份宾客名单,这样你就知道谁会来你家了

  • 有一个清醒的主人一直在场

  • 锁上私人区域的门(1).e. 卧室),并确保藏好贵重物品

  • 保持小尺寸. 要注意过度拥挤和噪音过大,以免打扰邻居.

  • If the neighbors or police ask you keep the noise down or shut down the party, listen to them

  • 限制客人饮酒

  • 切勿向未成年人提供酒精饮料

  • 为客人提供无酒精饮料和食物.


  • 相信你的直觉. 如果你觉得不舒服,就离开派对

  • 立即向警方报告可疑行为或活动

  • 了解你要参加的聚会的主人

  • 和朋友呆在一起,互相照顾

  • Make sure you have a safe way home: designated driver, taxi, walk, or MAVrides

  • 负责任地饮酒. 不要喝得太多

  • 体谅他人和他们的财产


  • 使用光线充足的区域. 避免黑暗、荒凉的地方. 避免走夜间可能不安全的捷径

  • 不要独自散步或慢跑

  • Never approach a vehicle that is following you or a stranger who beckons you. 只要朝相反的方向走

  • 总是走人行道. If there is no sidewalk 和 you must walk in the street, always walk facing oncoming traffic

  • 不要抵抗或试图愚弄强盗


  • 不要让自己成为靶子. 小偷在寻找容易下手的目标, 所以不要把东西放在无人看管的地方,也不要让自己显得脆弱.

  • 运用常识. 如果你感觉不舒服,跟着你的直觉走.

  • 经常报案. 在调用调度时,向调度程序提供尽可能多的信息. If the crime is happening while you are on the phone, stay on the line until help arrives. 一定要听从调度员和警察的指示.


Remember it is your 和 your roommates' responsibility to insure that your rental property is back to its original state before you leave. Make sure you are planning ahead 和 allowing enough time to completely pack 和 clean your apartment before your check-out date. Communicating with your roommate is incredibly important when it comes to determining who is responsible for what share of the cleaning. Failure to properly clean your space can often result in you not receiving your security deposit at the end of the lease.


When you checked into your rental property, you filled out a damages checklist. Now you can go through your property again to see if there were any damages that happened while you were living there. A 样品损坏清单 can be found here that both you 和 your l和lord can use to keep each other accountable.


你搬出去的时候别忘了关掉公用设施. 如果你不这样做,你可能会在你搬出去后继续被收费. 此外,请务必归还您的公用事业借用的任何设备.e. 无线网络).


如果你与房东或物业管理公司有问题, 了解你作为租客的权利可能会有所帮助. 请查看 科罗拉多州承租人权利. 确保你清楚地与房东沟通了你的担忧. 在某些情况下,他们可能没有意识到有问题. 不知道下一步该做什么? 尝试利用一些校园资源进行指导,包括 导师, 学生服务 居住生活.


As the year progresses, it is not uncommon from some roommate issues to arise. 在大多数情况下,您应该能够自己解决问题. Communication is the most important thing in any relationship, especially with roommates. 一定要在问题出现时及时解决. 如果你不能自己解决冲突, 你可以尝试利用一些校园资源寻求帮助, 包括导师, 学生服务 和 居住生活.


如果你正在考虑转租你的出租物业, 最好和你的房东或物业管理公司谈谈. 许多房东对于转租物业都有具体的政策, 所以你需要和他们一起制定一个计划.